A Hassidic story tells of an advanced truth seeker going to see the rabbi, the teacher. The rabbi's assistant asked the seeker, “Why do you want to see the rabbi? Do you have any questions you want to ask him?” To this came the reply, “No.” “Well, then, I suppose you want to sit silently in his company and take advantage of the grace that pours from his presence.” Again, the reply, “No.” "Then, what do you want?" The seeker responded, "I want to see how he puts on his shoes!”
Truth appears in many forms to teach us Itself
any detail can communicate a profound, liberating insight
to listen to the Timeless be attentive and receptive to the ordinary, every-day, each-moment
this teaching-of-the-ordinary is, in fact, free of the prejudices and fallibilities of human 'teachers'
sagacious beings, in pointing to the Truth, point the seeker back to Life, within and without, seen and unseen
how a tree changes with the seasons of the year, as example, is given without elaboration, without artifice, free of ego ~ "Listen!"
Buddha Dharma, Christian Gospel, the Word, Wisdom can appear in any disguise ~ the wise see only One Teacher
truths there are many and means of Truth Truth is One
*(C) Brian K. Wilcox, 2018.
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